Hopeful Birds Project

The "Hopeful Birds Project" was created during the Coronavirus pandemic to spread art, kindness, and smiles to people everywhere. The birds serve as a symbol of community and resilience, uniting us to share hope, compassion, and moments of joy. Flocks of these birds have since brightened communities across the country.

We continue to make Hopeful birds for various groups and communities upon request, as well as host bird-making workshops. Contact me for more information.

The Hopeful Birds Project was a fun distraction from the quarantine time. The kids loved finding the ceramic birds around the neighborhood and then making a nest and dressing them up. It was a fun way to meet other neighbors too who were looking amidst the neighborhood as well. …they really are beautiful ceramic birds. I hope other neighborhoods can mimic this inclusive idea too! 

~ Jessica M. - Mesa Point Neighbor

During the pandemic, we were all physically apart, distancing from one another, but our experiences were shared and endured collectively. The "Hopeful Birds Project" was created as a way to bring us together during those challenging times. I realized how isolating it was for families, and by creating activities centered around the Hopeful Birds, we were able to offer a welcome diversion, some relief, and a sense of comfort.

Over the years, I’ve led several ceramic projects with elementary school children, where each child created a piece that contributed to a larger mosaic or installation—something that could not have been achieved alone. Seeing their individual artwork as part of something much bigger can be a powerful experience for children. Each piece gains greater meaning when it joins the collective. That’s why having the ceramic birds come together as part of a larger flock is such an important aspect of this project.

~ Rita Vali, Hopeful Birds Project Founder

Louisville, CO

Boulder, CO

Boulder, CO

Gunnison, CO

Lafayette, CO